Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology / Logistic Engineering

R.J. van der Kolk Geaggregeerde produktplanning op fabrieksniveau: een linear programmeringprogramma.
Computer program, Report 92.3.LT.2998, Transport Technology, Logistic Engineering.

The problem of allocating limited resources among competitive activities in the best possible way can be done with a linear programming program (LP program). All mathematical functions in this program have to be linear. So it is possible to optimise a certain objective function with some restrictions if they are all linear.

This report describes a program that is written in the LP program XA using the modelgenerator MPL. The objective of this program is to support the aggregated production planning at factory level. Or more generally: to manage a Goods Flow Control process using a chosen Goods Flow and Goods Flow Control structure.

With a so called A/F model, a descriptive model of the chosen Goods Flow and Goods Flow Control structure is made. Next a simple model, a more complicated model and the final model are made. After this has been done, the LP program for all three models is made.

In the report the conclusion is drawn that the MPL program is not a very userfriendly program to use without a manual. The program XA however is a workable program and does not only give the optimal solution but also some figures which help to get more insight in the model. The last conclusion is that with the described program a Goods Flow Control structure can be managed, if the structure does not violate the assumptions done while making this program.

Reports on Logistic Engineering (in Dutch)
Modified: 2000.04.29; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.