Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology

H.J. van Leeuwen Het aanpassen van het zeekadesysteem van EECV aan een gecombineerde overslag van ijzererts en steenkool.
Masters thesis, Report 92.3.TT.3036, Transport Engineering and Logistics.

The expected abolition in the near future of the German subsidy on metallurgic coal from Germany will have as a result that because of the high cost price of German coal, a large part of the in Germany required coal will be imported. Ertsoverslagbedrijf Europoort C.V. (EECV) is an ore handling terminal in the Europoort, Rotterdam, which handles about 24 million tons of iron-ore and additional bulkmaterials per year for four large German steelfactories. Because the organisation and the infrastructure partly already exists, is an expansion of the activities of EECV to the handling of metallurgic coal a logic step.

In this report a review has been made of the technical possibility to make the present facilities on the quay for sea-going vessels fit for the handling of ore and coal. The number of beltconveyors on the quay have to be increased from 2 to 4, with as result that the system of the existing cranes that makes a choice possible which conveyor will be supplied have to be altered. The 2 new conveyors that have to be build will not be as long as the quay in order to prevent unnacessary investments. However the cranes have to be able to pass by the terminal point of the conveyors. In order to make this possible an other system that supports the belt of the conveyor in the point where the massflow from the crane hits the belt then the present one have to be used. Finally a connection between the conveyors on the quay and the conveyors of the coalterminal have to be made. In this case a minimum use of space is very important.

Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)
Modified: 2006.05.09; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.