Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology

D.J. Antvelink Simulatie van een Belbus systeem.
Computer program, Report 94.3.TT.4219, Transport Engineering and Logistics.

This report describes a simulation model of a 'BelBus system', a flexibel public transport system. The program is written in a simulation language Must. Must is a Turbo Pascal application.

The system consists of Belbusses, an office which is responsible for routeplanning and passengers wanting to use the system.

Experimenting with this system is done to investigate the response on changing stratagies. Performance indicators are service level, extra milage and delay time.

Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)
Modified: 2008.01.21; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.