Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology

A. Dewanto Het spoorgedrag van een elastische rubberband over de scheefgestelde cilindrische stuurrol.
Masters thesis, Report 96.3.TT.4715, Transport Engineering and Logistics.

The tilting role is applied to correct the on one side position of the conveyor.

The tilting role is a cylindrical role which horizontaly can be rotated. Thus the axle of the tilting role can make an angle with the axle of another role. Therefore the conveyor moves over the roles sideward to the point of the role where the distance between the axles is least.

This phenomen is caused by an "winding effect". The "winding effect" appears because the conveyor makes an angle by entering the tilting role. This angle is called "arrive angle". The sideward movement of the conveyor by tilting role is determined mostly by the "arrive angle". Except by the "arrive angle", the sideward movement is also influenced by the tension and velocity of the conveyor.

This experiment tries to describe, quantitatively, the effect of the tilting role on the behaviour of the conveyor by making pictures on the contact area between the conveyor and the role with an experimentaly equipment. The used of rubber conveyor makes the effects of the tilting role to the conveyor more perceptible. The results of this experiment are also compared to the theoritical model.

Unfortunately, the influence of the tension and velocity on the behaviour of the conveyor can not be investigated completely because of the restriction of the experimental equipment. The recommendation should be useful for future experiments.

Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)
Modified: 2005.11.11; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.