Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology / Logistic Engineering

D.W. Visser Cassettes per binnenvaartschip. Een haalbaarheidsstudie naar het vervoer van cassettes per roll-on roll-off binnenvaartschip en de ontwikkeling van een ondersteunend programma ten behoeve van de ladingselectie en routeplanning.
Masters thesis, Report 98.3.LT.5113, Transport Technology, Logistic Engineering.

Cassettes are often used during the seatransport of paperreels and pulp. The cassette is a flat steel underlayer without wheels. The cassettes have not yet been implemented for inlandtransportation.

The first objective of this graduation project is the execution of a feasibility study on the transport of cassettes by inlandvessel. The research is based on the transport needs of SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget), in particular on the route from Rotterdam (NL) to Stockstadt (Germany).

The second objective is the design of a planningtool for the support of the cargoselection and routeplanning of a roll-on roll-off inlandvessel.

Feasibility study

Transport of cassettes by inlandvessel is technically and economically feasible. The most profitable shippingconcept is the application of a "koppelverband", this is the combination of an inlandvessel with a pushbarge. Initially the inlandvessel satisfies the transport needs. In case of increasing cargovolumes the inlandvessel can be extended with a pushbarge.

When transporting the analyzed cargoflow between Rotterdam and Stockstadt, the vessel capacity has only partly been used. This can be solved by contracting additional cargo.


A planningtool has been developed to support the cargoselection and routeplanning. From the available cargo the optimal combination is displayed with the additional route for navigation.

The planningtool executes the routine part of the planningwork, in order for the planner to consider a large amount of combinations in a small amount of time.

With the assistance of the planningtool the free capacity on a desired route is directly displayed. This results in a fast judgment on the possible addition of new cargo.

Reports on Logistic Engineering (in Dutch)
Modified: 2000.03.26; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.