Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology

A.C. van Herwaarden Bemonsteringsinstallaties in de praktijk.
Literature survey, Report 99.3.TT.5152, Transport Engineering and Logistics.

The reason for sampling is to collect a manageable mass of material, called the sample, that is representative of the total mass of material. The sample is used for analysis of several quality-related parameters of the material. Since the sample is only a part of the total mass of material, the exact values of these parameters will not be known but it can be assumed that the parameter values of the sample approximate the exact values of the total mass with a certain accuracy.

Large scale sampling nowadays is often done by using mechanical sampling installations. This report describes the general practice of sampling and the most important aspects of automatic sampling equipment. The sampling installations are generally designed according to industrial standards that prescribe every step of the sampling process. The mechanical sampling installation used by the EMO, also described in this report, is a good example of automated sampling in the bulkhandling industry. Sampling is also done in the raw materials for food industry. Sampling at the Suikerunie in Dinteloord for instance, is also almost fully automated. The design of this sampling process is the result of many experiments and years of experience.

Usually the design of sampling equipment is a compromise between the desired accuracy and the costs involved. To test a sampling installation, a bias test has to be done. When bias is found, tracking down the cause of the bias can be a time-consuming process and result in higher costs.

Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)
Modified: 2006.05.13; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.