Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology / Logistic Engineering

E. Brantjes De ecokosten van transport.
Masters thesis, Report 99.3.LT.5202, Transport Technology, Logistic Engineering.

At this moment a new theory is being developed to assess environmental pollution in terms of 'virtual ecocosts'. Up until now, environmental specialists have used the 'millipoint' to describe the impact of pollution on the environment. To an outsider of environmental theories, this is a rather abstract measure. 'Virtual ecocosts' measure pollution in a common unit, namely 'money'. For example, high ecocosts indicates a product's high environmental impact.

In transport, environmental pollution is almost always narrowed down to the pollution caused by burning fuel. In this report, all parts of the transportchain of roadtransport are investigated in relation to their pollution, as indicated by their ecocosts. These parts are transport, handling and storage.

A spreadsheet computer program has been written to calculate the costs and ecocosts of a transportchain. This program was then applied to a case: The transport of sweet peppers to Germany, where the best choice of packaging - re-useable crates or one-way cardboard boxes - is investigated. Calculations on the case prove that less than 70% of the transportchains' ecocosts are caused by fuelconsumption. Therefore it seems that pollution caused by handling and storage should not be neglected. The case also indicates that the cheapest and environmental friendliest way to transport sweet peppers is by use of crates. It also shows that the volume of a crate or box is very important. Reduction of costs and ecocosts are possible when crates or boxes are improved. Enlarging the volume of crates or making cardboard boxes re-useable are examples of these possibilities.

Reports on Logistic Engineering (in Dutch)
Modified: 2000.02.28; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.