Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology / Logistic Engineering

A.W. Renckens Supply chain reefer products.
Internship, Report 2001.LT.5461, Transport Technology, Logistic Engineering.

The transportation of perishable produce, also called reefer products, products that need cooled or refrigerated storage conditions, is an ever-increasing business. The total amount of perishable produce transported in the year 2000 is about 60 million ton, of which 43 million ton is transported by sea. In this report a general description is a given of the reefer supply chain. Such a thing as the reefer supply chain doesn't exist, because there are many supply chains possible.

Many different parties can play a role in the supply chain of reefer produce. The most important parties are divided into 4 sections according to their functionalities in the chain. These sections are being called first, second, third and fourth parties.

The most important documents that are described in this report are: bill of lading, waybill, sales contract, contract of afreightment, custom documents, phytosanitary certificate, veterinary certificate, certificate of origin, CMR (Convention relative en contract de transport international de Marchandises par Route).

Reports on Logistic Engineering (in Dutch)
Modified: 2001.05.30; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.