Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Transport Technology

L.G. van Koeveringe Simulatie van een conflictvrij AGV-systeem
Computer program, Report 2007.TEL.7192, Transport Engineering and Logistics.

Planning and routing of AGV's on container terminals is a complicated process. The Technical University of Berlin has found an new algorithm. With this algorithm the capacity of the AGV network can be increased. Intelligent routing en scheduling of AGV's can prevent deadlocks and other delays of containers arriving at the quay crane. AGV's can be routed without counteracting each other.

In this paper the influence of a number of research variables to the capacity is studied. These variables are the number of quay locations and the number of stack locations, the number of quay lanes and the number of stacking lanes and an the proportion between quay locations and stacking locations.

One of the major results says that an increasing number of quay lanes gives an increasing capacity.

Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)
Modified: 2007.12.04; , TU Delft / 3mE / TT / LT.