TRAVIS : an engineering tool to animate and validate AGV-systems

M.B. Duinkerken, M.J. Terstegge.
TRAVIS : an engineering tool to animate and validate AGV-systems
Proceedings of the International Conference on Simulation and Multimedia in Engineering Education (WMC 2001).
January 2001. Phoenix [SCS]. ISBN 1-56555-224-5.

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Keywords: Animation, Control systems, Discrete simulation, Transportation.

Most of the AGV systems currently in operation are either relatively small in size (less then 10 AGVs), or control is simplified (fixed routes, closed loop systems). However in the near future, larger, more complex systems are expected.

Engineering education at the transportation department of the university make students aware of the relevant design and control parameters. Simulation models for both the logistic and physical processes play a key role.

In this paper, our work on visualization of the physical process, and on algorithms to control the physical integrity of the system, is presented.

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Last modified : January 31, 2001; M.B. Duinkerken , TU Delft / WbMT / TT / LT .