OBJECTIVE Oriented Modelling

J.A. Ottjes, H.P.M. Veeke.
OBJECTIVE Oriented Modelling
Proceedings of the ICSC Symposia on Intelligent Systems & Applications (ISA'2000).
December 2000. Wollongong, Australia [ICSC]. ISBN 3-906454-24-X.

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Keywords: systems theory, organization design, equipment design, information system design, modelling, functional approach.

A modelling approach is described, that is generally applicable for organizational, technical and information system design. The basic element of the approach is a so called 'objective'. An objective is defined as a structured set of functions around a transformation function. The set provides a goal keeping environment for any transformation process. Combined with a well defined zooming mechanism the design can focus in from global view to any detail level.

It is shown that the approach is a common basis for concurrent design of organization, equipment and information. To make the approach concrete, the design process of a new container terminal is used as a global example.

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Last modified : January 31, 2001; M.B. Duinkerken , TU Delft / WbMT / TT / LT .